Since 1934, the Company manufactures and markets mechanical insulation parts. The last decade there was a huge technology evolution. Today the Company provides electrical insulation products to the manufacturers of trains, tram and metro trains all over the world.
Even if Pierre Hallet knew how to keep this family business in a professional way on the right track, he never forgot the path followed by his father and grandfather. “It was my grandfather, said Pierre Hallet, who founded in 1934 the company that still carries the same name 80 years later and that is above all still active in the same branch. ” Victor Hallet got the support of his son in 1947. Pierre Hallet joined the company in 1982. He took the lead in 1993, after the death of his father. Today the order book is fully booked until 2007 and the company turnover is generated for 40% via export.
Extract from “Destination: Chine”, article published in …Trends-Tendances on 27/05/2004.